My Story

Hello! My name is Stephanie Riley and I am the author of the new Adventure Squad book series! I live in Louisiana with my husband, our 2 teenagers, and Guava, Taquito, and Sushi, the main characters of The Adventure Squad. Yes, they are all real! Guava is a 2 year old green cheeked conure, and she is full of personality! Our family has always been home to a host of pets including dogs, cats, guinea pigs, birds, and even a horse. We are definitely animal lovers!

I am also an occupational therapist, and I have worked with some very special kids over the last 24 years, most of them in local public schools. I love the curiosity, creativity, and courageous spirit of children. To be honest, I have always been a big kid myself! That is why I created the Adventure Squad. I hope you'll join Guava, Taquito, and Sushi on their first of many adventures through the magic chalk door where everyone is special, and anyone can be a hero! Enjoy the adventure!

Much love, Stephanie and Guava